Lionelo Babyline 2.2 — Audio baby monitor
Lionelo Babyline 2.2 is a digital audio baby monitor featuring two-way communication. It enables the parent to listen to sounds from the child’s room and speak to them, offering comfort with the reassuring sound of a familiar voice. The device has a very good range and performs well even in multi-story buildings or larger properties.
The receiver is compact and features a convenient clip, making it easy to carry with you wherever you go. It has 6 volume levels but can also be muted when required, in which case dedicated LEDs keep you informed about the noise level in your child’s room. The transmitter includes an integrated night light. Babyline 2.2 is a handy, reliable baby monitor equipped with essential functions and an excellent range.

What makes it stand out
- Digital audio baby monitor
- Secure signal encryption
- Two-way communication
- Very good range (70/400 m)
- Handy receiver with a convenient clip
- Built-in night light

Very good range
Up to 70 m indoors and up to 400 m outdoors. The baby monitor performs well in multi-storey buildings or larger properties.

Two-way communication
The parent can hear the child, and the child can hear the parent. The soothing sound of a familiar voice helps calm the child and ease them to sleep, even in the caregiver’s absence.

LED signalling
Do you need to keep an eye on your child while maintaining silence? If so, you can mute the receiver and rely on colour-coded LEDs instead. They provide updates on your child’s mood and activity levels.

Secure encrypted signal
The technology used (FHSS encryption standard) ensures security. The baby monitor searches for one of the available channels and ‘reserves’ it, instantly pairing the receiver with the transmitter. This ensures that no one from the outside can access the baby monitor’s signal.

Clip for convenient portability
The compact receiver – with its convenient clip – easily attaches to belts, pockets, or anywhere you need it.

Built-in night light
The transmitter features a gentle light that subtly illuminates the surrounding area without disturbing the child.

Transmitter control from the receiver
You can monitor the transmitter placed next to the cot without being physically by your baby. All controls can be operated remotely from the receiver.

Useful alarms
The receiver will alert you when the range is lost or when the battery needs recharging. This ensures you can always be confident that the device is functioning properly.

Features loved by parents
- It allows the parent to hear and respond to their child’s voice. t offers an impressive range of up to 400 m outdoors, in open spaces.
- The small receiver can easily be tucked into a pocket or attached to a belt, allowing you to carry it wherever you go.
- Signal encryption ensures both privacy and security.